Monday, 31 October 2022

What is the P-GW or GGSN and why do more IoT, MVNO and Enterprises have their own?

The Packet Gateway or P-GW, previously GGSN in 3G architecture was something generally in a full MVNE or MVNO or IoT player would have, with resellers mostly using their host’s APN and Data Node. This is changing as data is becoming a key differentiator in many areas, however interestingly becoming less important in others, with many players choosing the simplicity of host Carrier APNs (mobile data settings).


Tuesday, 24 May 2022

What is Cloud MVNO, Cloud MVNE, Cloud cellular IoT and why is it important, what its it and what is it not

In an MVNO event not too long ago, the CEO of an MVNE that is no longer in business presented and said that their platform was fully cloud enabled... he then corrected this statement to say, "actually its not cloud at all; we just say that as its a buzzword and it sells". This for me sums up a lot of the tech industry, however that is not the topic of today's post - its about why cloud is important not just for your bottom line but also for the planet and sustainability, as cloud uses unto 100x less electricity and the same again in data centre space... now do I have your attention? Now where were we, ah yes, what is cloud and what it isn't: please like and subscribe if you want to be notified of more of these as I work through the glossary


Wednesday, 18 May 2022

New Short videos and commentary on what has changed for HSS and P-GW in 2022

You wait years for a video and then two come along at once. Like and subscribe as there are more coming weekly / daily